
Showing posts from April, 2011

Why I will be an "outsider" forever:

I’ve been living in Pune for almost two years now, and I love this city. I moved here just when the rains had begun, and it was love at first sight. It was pouring and I got soaked to the skin, but the university campus had to be the most beautiful I’d ever seen. (People who have been to Calcutta University will know why.) I knew this is where I wanted to be… Over the years I began to know the city. I met some crazy people who went on to being my closest friends. I lived with some, fought with some, cried with some, but I love them with a passion and intensity I haven’t felt in a long time. Basically, at the end of these two years, Pune is home. I rarely go to Calcutta, and though I still love Calcutta, Pune provides me with a kind of speed in life which Calcutta is famous for lacking. What makes Pune my home?? It’s the fact that I love the weather, and I’m trying to learn the language. The fact that I love the hills. And the beautiful rain trees outside my windows. The su...