Chasing Chotu
My mom always says that people come into our life when our karma, destiny, what-you-may-call-it, feels the need for that person to be there. So when I moved to a new place, the mad Mallu was there. And before him, the English girl who adopted India. And the star sozzled philosopher. And after them there was the bouncy boisterous lil boy. It's been a year, and they have either gone, or are about to go. And I know what mom will say if she knew how sad I were about them leaving - "Life goes on." Yeah, life does go on. I’ve left behind friends and family in other places. On the rare occasions when we do meet, I just know for sure how crucial their advice and judgment has been in my life over the years. Not because I perhaps hero worship some of them a little bit, but simply because having them around means there’s someone saying to me, "It's ok, shit happens, we'll figure out how to fix it, let's go play in the sand till we do." All of us cl...