
Showing posts from March, 2014

Broken Hearted to Bhairavi

So much love & power coming my way after my last post . I've been reading about  Kali, The Terrible One & how through her 12 manifestations She creates, maintains & destroys this universe. To quote Aljai, "You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour." Kalyug or the Ultimate Downfall has begun. It time to allow Mahabhairava Kali to emerge. As the moon wanes out of her darkest phase, we have felt extreme grief & fear. It is time to look beyond Maya & to realize that the end is near. May this universe shake with the terrifying laughter of Bhairavi for she represents time, ever inclined to destroy this world, annihilate anything and all that is not worthy of keeping. And like Raktabija, the demons of this world shall be consumed by her tandava. It is time to invoke this Shakti who shall dance this world to destruction and from the ashes of mankind She shall prepare a

Born to be Broken-Hearted.

I've always been interested in stories. I guess it began with the bedtime stories snoozily crafted by Papa when we were kids. Stories of people who withstood scary Skeletors. Carefully personalized for children. So there was He-Man , running alongside the warrior goddess, Teela Radhika . Stories of Himalayan heroics by grandfathers. Growing up in Bengal meant the inevitable fascination for the Durga Ma, the Mother Goddess, gentle, nurturing & benevolent unless provoked. She has the potential to be a positive pain in the you-know-where for the bad guys. Batman came along much later. As we grew older we discovered our own stories. And scripted a few of our own. Over the last few years I've been out & about. Searching for something. Shakti. Soul. Shiva. Shanti. Whatever you wanna call it. I don't know yet. All I found were stories. Sad stories. Strange stories. Stories about strangers. Everyone has a story. You only gotta have the time to listen. I try to write th