For a Free and Fair World

"May I be protector for those without one, A guide for all travellers on the way;" ~ Shantideva, in A Guide to the Bodhisattva's way of Life. The gorgeous Goa monsoon is washing my windows squeaky clean, and as I'm lying around in bed, I’m suddenly thinking of Sealdah railway station. I was there just last month, a sweaty, stinky blob of flesh melting in the heat and humidity. We were running to catch a train to North Bengal, pushing through a roiling mass of people, dodging handcarts, sidestepping squalor when three ragged, dirty, little boys ran past us, pushing each other around, laughing, eyes a-sparkle, running barefoot across the platform... and all I could think of at that moment was him. I saw a world & it was mean, and hope was nowhere to be seen… Impatiently pushing aside tangled, matted hair, one of the little boys lithely swung himself onto the train pulling into platform number 1. The other two ran alongside, deftly catching plastic bottles ...