I wouldn't be me, without you

"Your perception of me is a reflection of you; My reaction to you is an awareness of me." ~Bobbi Chegwyn Here are some friends who've taught me so much in the last few years I've known them... each of them are amazing, free-thinking, radical individuals who are out to change the world in their own strange, silly ways. And no, we didn't co-ordinate outfits 😁 your vibe attracts your tribe n all that cool shite happened. Here's to standing strong with each other, to keep pushing ourselves to be better, to laugh till our stomachs hurt, to being silly together, to working hard, with dedication, and compassion, to poetry and singing songs of freedom really, really loud, to lazy floor dancing, to multilingual jokes being lost in translation . . . Here's to the one who never says no, and the one who taught me to be proud of what I believe in, the one who taught me that i can be afraid and still so strong, the one who taught me to be...