Purple Safety Pin
One afternoon last monsoon, I strolled into Vagator Aunty’s
place for fish thali, smiling at Aunty Acid who was already seated there. Her friend
caught my eye. You know when you look at someone & know you know them, but
are unsure how. Well, even though I feel that way all the time, I knew there
was a story somewhere, when I recognized this girl. Palm fronds speckled with fire flies
on a moonless night flashed like a photo. A large frog beside the commode. Goa?
Shantiniketan. That small village type resort thing.
“I know you from somewhere”.
you from Calcutta?”
“Yes…but that’s not where we met…ohhh….the safety pin!!”
As a child, we’d once gone on a weekend trip to a typical Shantiniketan
style eco-resort. I forget the name, but it was, at that time, very quaint,
with a rustic, back to the old world village feel to it. Unless I’m confusing
it with another place, it had a large pond in which another family staying
there was swimming in one morning. Too shy to join them, I remember my brother
& I sat at a distance, listening to them splash about. I think we did
venture in a few days later after they’d left, and something smooth underfoot (my
ever-loving optimistic Papa of course said it must have been the skull of a buffalo who went swimming & then drowned because it didn't know how to swim) sent
me howling back to the room with a life-long distaste for getting into
water where ‘I can’t see the bottom’. There was a bamboo enclosure with mud walls & I would sit & read in the afternoons. They didn't have TV. The
girl was reading there one day. She wore a safety-pin. In her ear. And here she was, at least 15 years later, sitting opposite me in the
gray skies & electric greens of Goa
monsoon. We had a laugh over it through lunch, amazed at the ridiculous things
my brain remembers (never work shit. NEVER)& ‘the world’s so small na’. I
knew her partner’s mum & cousin too, in random different ways.
We met again, somewhere else, a few days later, and she
brought with her some safety pins. I chose the purple. & stuck it in my
wallet. Most convenient to roast stuff over candle flames.
My roomie was leaving in a few days, so we moved from place
to place, meeting people, and finally doddered home around 2:30 am, exhausted
& sleepy…sometime on the way home we even got into the usual license argument with the cops, and finally reaching home we find my bedroom door had slammed shut. I was locked out. Brief moments of panic
& my roomie twisted his face into doubtful enquiry, “do you have a bobby
pin or whatever pointy stuff girls put in their hair?” *both collapse laughing
till gravity of being locked out when sleepy situation strikes again* Laughter
subsided with a few more moments of panic till I remembered the safety pin.
he strode purposefully to the door, armed with the purple safety pin, he prepared for possible failure..."I donno, never done this before…let’s see." A few squiggles of the
pin, and… I slept in my own bed that night!
My mum had mentioned we meet people
when we’re meant to, & they fade away, as life dictates. Whenever possible, be nice, you never know, you might meet
them again. And maybe even get your purple safety pin.
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